MBS Newsletter


February 4 – General Meeting
February 15, 12-4pm – Bonsai Concepts
February 25 – Board Meeting (Zoom Meeting)

March 4 – General Meeting
March 15, 12-4pm – Bonsai Concepts
March 22-23 – Fundamentals with Julian Tsai
March 25 – Board Meeting (Zoom Meeting)

Please check for changes prior to event.

You can also get live updates on our events page on Facebook >>

View full calendar here >>


Automatic RO System for Optimal Bonsai Watering (Click to Read>>)
2023 State Fair Winners & Slide Show (Click to view>>)
Winter Care (Click to view articles)
Missed a General Meeting?  (Click to view past programs)
Most Recent Board Minutes (Click to view >>)
Visit with Suthin – Garden Tour (Click to view >>)


Click to enlarge map

The topic of our Tuesday, March 4th meeting is a bonsai tool round table. Please bring your own favorite tools to discuss with fellow members!

We look forward to seeing you there!

The club meets on the first Tuesday of each month (except January) for a presentation. In person events will be held at:

When: First Tuesday of the month (Except January)
Time: 7-9 PM
Location: Wilder Center, 451 Lexington Pkwy N, St Paul, MN 55104
Can’t attend in person? Join us on Zoom >> 

Missed a General Meeting? Some are recorded  here >>


MBS SOIL ORDERS 2025 – Order by 03/15/25

Hello MBS members. My name is David Weiss, the 2nd vice president of the Minnesota Bonsai Society and chairperson of the introduction workshops that take place in April, July, and September.

I also run a private bonsai company, Bonsai Acres. Through my company, I will be placing a large soil order to help provide MBS members with a better deal on soil. I will be selling 50# bags of Pumice, and 14L bags of Akadama.

You need to order the soil on my website: Bonsaiacres.com by March 15th, 2025

Follow these guidelines:

· Only the 14L bags of Akadama and 50# bags of Pumice are a part of this special order
· When your cart is full, add the coupon code: mbsap
· Orders will be accepted through March 15th, 2025
· After March 15th, prices go back to what’s on my website
· You will need to pick up the soil at my home as soon as possible after I receive the order

The Pumice comes in a 50# bag with 1/16” – 1/2“or so (approximately $38 + tax per bag)

The Akadama comes in 14L bags: (approximately $40 + tax per bag)

Sm-Med are 1/16” to 1/4” (more small than medium in most bags)

Med-Large are 5/16” to 1/2” (more large than medium in most bags)

Have more questions, email me: bonsaiacres@gmail.com


Each year MBS sponsors a Spring and Fall Auction. This is a fun and exciting event where members can buy or sell trees, pots and other bonsai-related materials during the live or silent auction. It’s one of the best ways to obtain new material for your collection, or make room on your benches. A percentage of the sale is retained by the society to help fund other events.

Our preferred method of payment is by credit card; checks may also be accepted. 

*A current MBS membership is a requirement for selling at the auction. If your membership is not current as of the auction date and you choose to sell items, your proceeds will be held by the club until you rectify your membership status.



Cost: Free for members! No signup required.
When: Saturday, Noon-4pm (See dates in link below)
Topic: Each month will focus on seasonal care
Instructors: Dale & Sue Krueger (dale.n.krueger[at]comcast.net)
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate, All Levels
Location: 12300 40th St N, Stillwater, MN 55082 

All are welcome to come and learn, with or without trees. Each meeting begins with a classroom session followed by our helping you with your trees.

February 2025  Class: For our inaugural Concepts class for 2025 we will talk about planning for the year to achieve the goals you want for your tree as well as begin to layout our instruction programs. Now is our time to get ready for the spring repotting and growing season. While our trees are still in dormancy, we do have time to complete some late winter work on them before they become active. We may spend time on wiring and tool maintenance as well. Lots to cover! Please join us at the Washington Co. Fairgrounds on Saturday February 15 from noon to four. Please enter the grounds from the south on 40th Street. As always, you are welcome to bring a tree or two to get help with. With the weather forecasts calling for cold temperatures, please be cautious and protect any trees you decide to bring. Contact me with specific questions you may have.

See you Saturday!
Dale and Sue



T-shirts, hats, aprons and more are now available for purchase.

You can purchase them from Spreadshirt or Lands End.

MBS gets a portion of the sale from Spreadshirt only. (Land’s End keeps 100% of the sale)
Return policies are disclosed on the Spreadshirt and Land’s End website. 

You can find the links on our website under “Merch” in the main top menu or use the links below.

Spreadshirt Merch >> 

Land’s End Merch >> 


Our website still has heightened security since we are still getting attacked from bots (1000s a day). Because of this, you may get an email to verify your account to ensure you are safe when logging into the MBS website.

If you are not able to log into the website, please check your email for a verification email. Please check your junk folder too.

The email will come from administrator@minnesotabonsaisociety.org and will have links in the email to verify you are a real person.

This may happen each time you login to the website. If you enter your password incorrectly multiple times, you might get blocked.

Please email me if this happens or are having trouble logging in. celina.blandford@minnesotabonsaisociety.org

Thank you for your patience!


Are you a newcomer to the world of Bonsai? Or have you been at it a while and are looking to learn more? We have great resources for you, including the Society Website, the Facebook page, and the Basics and Bonsai Concepts classes.

If you feel you would benefit from additional assistance in helping you nurture and grow your trees, please consider joining the MBS Mentorship Program.

Under this program, you will be assigned to a Bonsai Society Mentor based on your location in the Twin Cities, and will work with a Mentor along with other folks like you interested in learning more about how to best manage your bonsai trees.

If interested, please contact Bryan Evarts at bryan.evarts@minnesotabonsaisociety.org



As a member of the Minnesota Bonsai society, you will receive a member number. You will need this number to sell at auctions and to confirm your membership for some events.

To find your member number – click login on the top right corner of the website. Once you are successfully logged in, it will display on the top right hand corner. See the orange circle on image in the top right. You can also request a badge at the in-person general meetings that includes your name and member number. Note: If you create a new user name and account, it will generate a new member number for you. So please don’t create a new one if you already have an existing account. 

If you are having difficulty with accessing your membership or renewing please contact Celina (celina[at]minnesotabonsaisociety.org).



An email version of this newsletter is sent periodically for reminders. 

If you do not see the emails, check your “junk mail” folder or “spam” folder. We make every effort to ensure that these emails are delivered. If you do not see the email in your inbox, please check your junk mail folder and add us to your white List or Safe Sender List.

You are automatically added to the email list as a member, if you wish to unsubscribe, you can click “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the newsletter.

If you want to be added to the list, please email administrator@minnesotabonsaisociety.org. 

You can also follow us on Facebook for any last minute cancellations due to weather or venue changes. 


For those of you who are on Facebook*, we have started a new group in order to share ideas, pictures and ask and answer questions.

Just click this link Minnesota Bonsai Society Community Group and hit the “Join” button. As this group is just for MBS members, you will be asked if you are a member and will then be approved within a day.

*If you are not on Facebook for concerns about privacy, you have the option to create a new email address just for this purpose, and then make a profile using a nickname. Your profile picture can be a tree, your dog, or whatever you choose. You will be required to give them your birthdate which you have in common with millions of people, but you may block all information about yourself.



Call for volunteers!

People new to bonsai are welcome for their perspectives on what would help them advance their skill base. If you wish to volunteer for this in 2024, email administrator@minnesotabonsaisociety.org.

It will be a good way for the participants to get to know more professionals and have a say in program content.

We are always looking for volunteers, if you are interested to see what positions are available, or how you can help, please email administrator@minnesotabonsaisociety.org.


Memberships includes access to the MBS library, free bonsai concepts classes, and meetings. Plus discounts to attend member only workshops and events. A one year membership for up to 2 members of a household is just $40.00. Join here >>


MBS offers two gift card options – a $75 workshop gift card that includes a 1 year free membership or a $40 Membership gift card.
Purchase one here >>


Please join our member only Facebook group. This group is intended to foster information exchange and community for members of the Minnesota Bonsai Society. All are invited to post pictures of their bonsai and bonsai-related items, questions and answers to questions. Click to Join group here >>


Looking for pots? Wire-cutters? Finding supplies in a store can be a challenge in Minnesota. Some supplies can be purchased at the auctions, general meetings and bonsai basics. MBS also does bulk orders of akadama, pumice and lava every couple of years. Watch the newsletter for updates. We have also compiled a list of online vendors you can purchase from. View List >>