David Weiss, MBS President Summer Time Fun with More Time on Our Hand? Welcome to summer MBS! I hope this column finds you healthy and that you’ve found the silver lining within bonsai during COVID-19. That lining for me has been the ability to work on my trees more than past Springs….
Category: All Posts
Board Meeting – May 2020
Peter Tea Zoom Meeting
Please login as a member to see the Zoom login details below. Please email administrator@minnesotabonsaisociety.org if you are having trouble logging in. Please test prior to the event if possible.
Our May virtual meeting was a success, and especially appreciated by people living far from the Twin Cities. The June meeting will also be via Zoom and will feature Peter Tea. We hope you will join us!
Peter has been practicing the Art of Bonsai since 2003 and in 2011 traveled to Japan to apprentice under Junchiro Tanaka at Aichien Bonsai Garden in Nagoya, Japan. He is based in Northern California. He regularly visits Minnesota for workshops, presentations as well as the upcoming Bonsai Fundamentals class. His website is https://www.ptbonsai.com/.
Click link below to get instructions to join the meeting. You must be logged in as a member to view the page.
Note: This is a live event only, and will not be recorded.
Guest: Peter Tea
Time: June 2, 2020 7:00 PM CST
Join Zoom Meeting. Zoom Link below
Board Meeting – April 2020
Andrew Robson Zoom Meeting
Please login as a member to see the Zoom login details below. Please email administrator@minnesotabonsaisociety.org if you are having trouble logging in. Please test prior to the event if possible.
We at the Minnesota Bonsai Society are very excited to have our first virtual General Meeting! It will be a live meeting, with the ability to ask questions or even talk. We will start at 7:00 and take about 15 minutes on an informal chat to make sure everyone has figured out the way to join, and to try out the Zoom features.
Note: This is a live event only, and will not be recorded.
Guest: Andrew Robson
Program: Aesthetics and Approach to Deciduous Bonsai
Time: May 5, 2020 7:00 PM Central Time
Join Zoom Meeting. Zoom Link below